Ethical Guidelines for Authors

Authors are advised that our journal follows and maintains ethical issues very strictly. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the authors to review the ethical issues very carefully before submitting the manuscript.

  1. Cover letter/Declaration letter: The author(s), while submitting the manuscript, is to sign a declaration certifying that the work was carried out by her/him/them and the contents of the paper were not published before or not in review in any other journals.
  2. Originality and Accuracy: By submitting the manuscripts in AJIE, authors are exclusively responsible for the factual accuracy of their data and/or review presented in their manuscripts.
  3. Multiple Submissions: After submitting a manuscript to AJIE, the author cannot submit the same article to other journal or publication until the review process is complete. If evidence of multiple submissions is found, the article will be rejected by AJIE and this information will be communicated to other journals or publications to which it was submitted.
  4. Ethical Approval for Research: For studies involving human or animal subjects, the author/s is/are responsible for the approval from human/social ethics committee and this should be clearly mentioned in the cover letter. If the Editorial Board think that the article requires any ethical approval, it will instruct the author accordingly.
  5. Acknowledgment of Institutional Approval/Funding/Technical Sources: If the manuscript and or data collection process focuses on a specific institution or is a case study, it is the author’s responsibility to ensure that permission has been obtained from that relevant institution. The author/s must clearly state all sources of financial/technical support for the research. This includes grants, sponsorships, or any other funding/technical support sources.
  6. Plagiarism: The author/s must ensure that the manuscript is free from plagiarism and properly cited all sources and avoid presenting others’ work as your own. AJIE will check the plagiarism status during the review process and let the authors informed about it.
  7. Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools: When using Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in the writing process, the author must be very careful to ensure that they do not compromise the originality of the manuscript and are consistent with the main findings of the article.
  8. Responsibility of Published Work: Once the article is published in AJIE, it cannot be published in any other journal in any other form. If significant errors are discovered in the published work, author/s must promptly inform the editorial board to correct or retract the paper as necessary.
  9. Post-publication Status: All published articles will be maintained under the copyright act followed by the journal. Any ethical issues raised after publication will completely be the responsibility of the author/s and AJIE will not take any kind of liability for the incidents.


Thanking You
Professor M. Tariq Ahsan, PhD
Editor, AJIE