About AJIE

Asian Journal of Inclusive Education (AJIE) is an international double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by Asian Centre for Inclusive Education (ACIE), Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Inclusive Education (AJIE) aims to offer a regional and international platform to conduct a multidisciplinary strategic dialogue on inclusive education for educationists, teachers, policy makers, researchers and other interested professionals. Articles can be of original empirical research, systematic literature review, book review as well as critical and exploratory essays based on theoretical analysis focusing issues related to inclusive education. Special emphasis will be given on papers addressing inclusive education in developing countries. The journal places particular emphasis on:
1. Innovations and reforms in theory and practice related to inclusion in developing countries as well as other parts of the world
2. Challenges in implementing inclusive education in different parts of the world, specifically in developing countries
3. National/local, regional and International policy and practice
4. Issues related to equity, accessibility and social inclusion
5. Information dissemination based on empirical research as well as best practice
6. Impact of reforms in policy, legislative and practice-models on school systems
7. Identification of issues/variables that had impact on teacher preparation and teaching-learning approaches for inclusive education
8. Issues related to curriculum, pedagogy, community-involvement and diverse learners for implementing Inclusive education
9. Reviews of books, software and other resources related to inclusive education
Articles related to different aspects of inclusive education are required to be of high standard and meet the criteria set by the editorial board for publication in this journal. Academic, professional and research institutions as well as individuals are permitted to print out entire issues for educational and research purposes.
Article Selection and Peer-review process
The editorial board and the international review panel of the AJIE will follow a rigorous Double-blind peer review process for selecting articles for publication in the journal. First, the editorial board does the initial screening of the manuscript. Then it is sent to two anonymous reviewers by following a double blind peer-review process. After receiving the reviewers’ comments the manuscripts are sent back to the author(s) for further resubmission after revision. Then the editorial board does another round of revision of the whole manuscript before final selection. Authors are requested to follow the guidelines available in this web page of AJIE before submission. Manuscripts should directly be submitted to the Editor, M. Tariq Ahsan, at editor@ajiebd.net