Guideline for Authors

1.  Academic & Research Papers:

Asian Journal of Inclusive Education (AJIE) publishes scholarly research articles related to inclusive education, review of books, short case studies on innovative educational approaches. Each year AJIE publishes two issues in June and December. Manuscripts should be typewritten in TIMES NEW ROMAN font and DOUBLE SPACED with wide margins and should not exceed 7,000 words. The preparation of the manuscript should conform to the style and instructions given below:

On the first page only the title of the paper and the name(s) of the author(s) with designation, contact address including e-mail address should be listed. On the second page the title of the paper and abstract should be presented. Titles should be brief and specific. The title should be on page number 1 and not exceed 10 words (50 letters). Each manuscript should have an abstract containing substance of the paper and should not exceed 150-200 words. The text/body of the manuscript generally should include (a) Introduction, (b) Methodology, (c) Findings/results, (d) Discussion (e) Recommendation and/or Conclusion. The findings and discussion may be combined. Two separate forms of Manuscripts must be submitted. ONE will contain the full manuscript with original form. ANOTHER copy will maintain AUTHOR ANONYMOUS version in the full manuscript.

Illustrations: Tables and illustrations should be within the body of the manuscript where appropriate.

Authors are required to get permission if they want to reproduce any figure, table, or extract from the text of another source.

References: The manuscript must strictly follow the APA (7th) referencing style. Reference at the end of the text should be arranged alphabetically.

2. Practitioner Papers

Asian Journal of Inclusive Education (AJIE) is delighted to inform its readers and followers that the AJIE editorial panel has decided to introduce a regular section in future volumes named as the PRACTITIONER PAPER. The practitioner paper is aimed to encourage non-academic practitioners to share their experiences, practices and evidence of success stories in relation to inclusive education. The practitioner papers should respond to the following criteria:

  •  The paper should contain between 1000 and 1500 words excluding references.
  •  The title should reflect the practice employed and include the country / state
  • A brief introduction should provide a reason for the program and link the approach to inclusive education in the region.
  • The paper should explicitly describe the practical approach including details of all participants, duration and procedure.
  • Within the paper the outcomes should be clearly stated and the importance of these made explicit.
  • The paper should have a conclusion suggesting the way forward and future directions for practice for supporting inclusion in the region
  • People first language should be used throughout.
  • All sources must be referenced and a reference list should be included in the paper following the format used by the AJIE (APA 7th style).

Interested practitioners of inclusive education are encouraged to submit their manuscripts for publication in the Practitioner Paper section of AJIE. A double-blind peer review process will be followed for every submitted paper before selection for publication in this category.


Thanking You

Professor M. Tariq Ahsan, PhD

Editor, AJIE
