Developing Sustainable, Accountable and Contextually Appropriate Policy to Ensure High-quality Inclusive Education


Chris Forlina

a  International Consultant on Inclusive Education

(Received 25 September 2018, Final revised version received 29 October 2018)                                                                     

In this discussion paper, developing inclusive education policy is acknowledged as being a complex process that needs to be embedded within the unique and diverse characteristics within individual countries. It is argued that this requires consideration of six key areas related to the need to define and contextualise inclusive education; the impact of policy on schools and communities; fiscal provisions; support for infrastructure and manpower; teacher education; and accountability mechanisms. These are reviewed from the perspective of policy development that is sustainable, realistic and implementable, that will be supported by all stakeholders and result in high quality education for all students.

Key words: Inclusive education, policy, sustainability, quality